Let's start off by saying sorry for not updating in a while. And, Happy Valentine's Day!
There isn't a lot that is new with us. I don't know if I would call it monotony, but Amber and I find ourselves doing the same things. So, as far as news is concerned: nothing has really happened.
Otherwise we have been updating the house and our phones. Pictures are yet to come.
For Valentine's Day, we bought each other iphones and we kind of just took the day really chill like. I've been having 15hour plus work days lately. This seriously cut down on our together time that we are accustomed to. I also sent Amber flowers (shown below).There may be yet to come. We'll have to just wait and see
Elevate has started to take off and I'm starting to get paid a bit more than we're used to. It's exciting and really enjoyable. We're grateful for so many blessings and to be so happy.
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1 year ago
my mom is getting ready to try to sell her house, so we moved in with the Thorup's for now... but it might not stick long b/c we have a little casita possibly in the works. :)
Saweet! We looked at a house up next to Matt's parents' house. It was right around the corner and it was only going for 450k.
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