We're pregnant! No, no we're not. Don't get your hopes up yet. But we do have a baby. We were at Amber's mom's house last Sunday night, just talking and hanging out. When, Chief comes up the stairs from the play area with this in his mouth.He wont chew it, he just likes to hold it. We let him have it for about an hour. And he will hold it just like this.
If you take it away, he tries to get it back. We have the most awesome dog ever!
Last week, Amber and I decided to go on a long drive, just the two of us. We found ourselves on the West side of Utah Lake. We spent about an hour or two driving around and looking at houses.
Picture from our iphones.

A couple of days before that, we went to Will and Emily's baby blessing. It was awesome! And baby Gil is way cute. Will did a good job. The Spirit was definitely strong, also it was the first baby blessing that I was invited to participate in the circle.
On the way back we saw this sweet motorcycle club. At the beginning there were motorcycle cops on their white Harleys, after them there were hundreds of people - from the burly biker in chaps to the woman in a parka on a trike. It was at least a mile long.

I also had to go to Tucson on business. This was the little plane that took me from Tucson to Phoenix on the way back.

i think the bikers were doing like a "bike for the cure" or something.. b/c i saw a ton of harley davidsons on the news talking about earning money for something. cool that you got to see them!
and super funny abt the pacifier and your dog... what a nut!
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