We took our second trip up to the cabin, this time with Great Grandma Grosjean, or as we call her GG. She sure loved our little cutie and I think the feeling was mutual as you can see below. We don't get to see GG too often because she lives in the East but we were lucky enough to spend a couple days up at the cabin catching up, putting together puzzles and enjoying nature. Oh and Lotte enjoyed untying her shoes.

GG and Lotte
Here are a couple views from the porch of the cabin, it looks off onto a gorgeous meadow where we sometimes are lucky enough to see sandhill cranes, moose, deer and more frequently a herd of cows.
We took a drive out to Whitney Resevoir which was incredibly low but still beautiful. We didn't get to skip stones but we did hang out for a while and enjoy the scenery.
Lotte loves her Grandma Allyn.
Lotte and mom.
Here is pretty much one of the only family pictures we have taken since Lotte joined us.
Here is a lovely picture Sam took while flexing his photography muscles. Actually most of the pictures you see are taken by Sam, he does a pretty darn good job if I do say so myself.
Hopefully next year we will be able to make it up to the cabin more over the summer. It has such great memories from my childhood and is such a lovely place to escape everyday life.
Oh yea, I forgot to mention Lotte learned to crawl at the cabin!! Kind of a big milestone, now we are in big trouble.
Here is an "action" shot the week right after the cabin on a play-date. (camera phone)
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